
几乎每个软件都有自己的快捷键(又叫快速键或热键)。使用快捷键有时候为了方便、减少鼠标点击,有时候可以加快操作速度。国外有个有趣的网站,专门收集各类通用软件的快捷键,由于SAS不够大众,没有收录SAS的快捷键。当然SAS也有许多自己的快捷键。其中我最常用的键有F3(运行代码)、F6(查看log信息)、Ctrl + / (注释代码)、Ctrl + Shift + / (取消代码注释)等等,用的不是非常多,多了记不住,但是少了又觉得缺少些什么。当然不同的人有不同的使用习惯,想必大家都有自己偏好的快捷键,这里就列出SAS9.2全部的快捷键,一共有4类,大家可以根据自己的需要来查找合适自己的快捷键。


SAS系统一共下面有4类快捷键,其中部分有重复, 第一类可自定义。


Default Key Definitions under Windows


F1Help 跳出帮助文件Alt + F1 
F2reshowAlt + F2 
F3End 运行代码Alt + F3 
F4Recall 调回提交的代码,非增强型编辑器有效。Alt + F11 
F5WpgmAlt + F12 
F6Log 日志窗口Ctrl + Blibref 显示数据逻辑库的目录
F7Output 结果窗口Ctrl + DDir 显示数据逻辑库的目录
F8zoom off; submitCtrl + EClear 清除当前窗口如output,log
F9keys 默认快捷键Ctrl + G 
F11command focusCtrl + HHelp 帮助
F12 Ctrl + IOptions SAS系统选项设置
Shift + F1SubtopCtrl + J 
Shift + F2 Ctrl + Kcut (Program Editor only)
Shift + F6 Ctrl + LLog 日志窗口
Shift + F7LeftCtrl + MMark 标记,增强型编辑器不支持
Shift + F8RightCtrl + QFilename 当前文件
Shift + F9 Ctrl + RRfind 查找
Shift + F10Wpopup 鼠标右键Ctrl + TTitle 标题内容
Shift + F11 Ctrl + Uunmark
Shift + F12dmcopylsvCtrl + Waccess Explorer window 资源管理器
Ctrl + F1 Ctrl + Y 
Ctrl + F2 RMBWpopup 鼠标右键
Ctrl + F3 Shift + RMB 
Ctrl + F11 Ctrl + RMB 
Ctrl + F12 MMB鼠标中键,未定义
  Shift+ MMB 
  Ctrl + MMB 

二 打印预览快捷键

Keyboard Shortcuts within Print Preview

Alt + NNext page or Page Down 翻后页
Alt + PPrevious page or Page Up 翻前页
Alt + ZZoom 缩小
Alt + HHelp 帮助文件
Alt + RPrint 打印
Alt + C orAlt + F4Close the window 关闭窗口

三 增强型编辑器中的快捷键

Keyboard Shortcuts within the Enhanced Editor


缩写Abbreviation这个东东很少见,目前还不知道怎么用。Ctrl + Shift + AAdd a new abbreviation
Alt + F1 + No SelectionBring up word tip
EscHide the current word tip
代码Code FoldingAlt + Ctrl + Number pad –Collapse all folding blocks收缩代码块
Alt + Number pad –Collapse current line
Alt + Ctrl + Number pad +Expand all folding blocks 扩展代码块
Alt + Number pad +Expand current line
Alt + Number pad *Toggle expand current line
命令/宏支持Command/Macro SupportCtrl + Shift + MAdd or change macros
Ctrl + F1Execute the last recorded macro执行最后一个记录中的宏
Alt + F8Play a command/macro
Alt + Shift + RStart/Complete macro
编辑EditCtrl + CCopy selection 复制
Ctrl + XCut selection 剪切
DeleteDelete current character 删除
Backspace or Shift + BackspaceDelete previous character
Ctrl + DeleteDelete to next word start
Ctrl + BackspaceDelete to previous word start
EnterInsert a carriage return
Ctrl + VPaste from clipboard 粘贴
Ctrl + YAlt + Shift + BackspaceRedo
Ctrl + ZAlt + BackspaceUndo
帮助Helpplace the insertion point within a procedure name and press F1Get Help for a SAS procedure查找对应帮助主题
F1Context Help 帮助文件
行标记Line MarkersF2Go to the next marked line
Shift + F2Go to the previous marked line
Ctrl + F2Toggle marker on the current line
导航NavigationCtrl + GGo to line (interactive)
Ctrl + Page UpCtrl + HomeMove cursor to the top of the file
Ctrl + Page DownCtrl + EndMove cursor to the bottom of the file
DownMove cursor down
Page DownMove cursor down a page
LeftMove cursor left
RightMove cursor right
HomeMove cursor to beginning of line
EndMove cursor to end of line
Ctrl + [ Ctrl + ]Move cursor to matching brace/parentheses移动光标匹配 括号
Alt + [ Alt + ]Move cursor to matching DO/END keyword 移动光标匹配DO/END
Alt + RightMove cursor to next case change移动光标到下一个大小写转换处
Ctrl + RightMove cursor to next word start
Alt + LeftMove cursor to previous case change移动光标到上一个大小写转换处
Ctrl + LeftMove cursor to previous word start
UpMove cursor up
Page UpMove cursor up a page
Alt + UpMove cursor to the first visible line
Alt + DownMove cursor to the last visible line
Ctrl + UpScroll screen down
Ctrl + DownScroll screen up
Option SettingInsertToggle insert/overwrite mode
选择SelectionShift + LeftExtend selection character left
Shift + RightExtend selection character right
Shift + DownExtend selection down
Shift + Page DownExtend selection down a page
Ctrl + Shift + HomeCtrl + Shift + Page UpExtend selection to beginning of document
Shift + HomeExtend selection to beginning of line
Ctrl + Shift + EndCtrl + Shift + Page DownExtend selection to end of document
Shift + EndExtend selection to end of line
Alt + Shift + RightExtend selection to next case change
Alt + Shift + LeftExtend selection to previous case change
Shift + UpExtend selection up
Shift + Page UpExtend selection up a page
Ctrl + Shift + LeftExtend selection to previous word start
Ctrl + Shift + RightExtend selection to the next word start
Ctrl + ASelect all 选择全部
选择操作Selection OperationsCtrl + Shift + WClean up whitespace 清除空白
Ctrl + /Comment the selection with line comments 给选定代码加注释符号/**/
Ctrl + Shift + L选定字母文本变小写
Ctrl + Shift + U选定字母文本变大写
Tab + SelectionTab selection
Ctrl + Shift + /Undo the Comment 去除注释/**/
Shift + Tab + SelectionLeft Tab selection

四 SAS主要窗口的键盘快捷键

Keyboard Shortcuts within the SAS Main Window

对话框和入口Dialog boxes and Entry FieldsTabmove to next field
Shift + Tabmove to previous field
文本导航Navigate around TextCtrl + -> (right arrow)move to next word
Ctrl + <- (left arrow)move to previous word
Homemove to beginning of line
Endmove to end of line
Ctrl + Homemove to top 光标移到代码最前
Ctrl + Endmove to bottom光标移到代码最后
Page Uppage up
Page Downpage down
Ctrl + Page Upmove to top
Ctrl + Page Downmove to bottom
Ctrl + Tabnavigate to the next open SAS window (NEXTWIND command)
Ctrl + Shift + Tabnavigate to the previous open SAS window (PREVWIND command)
标记文本Mark TextShift + -> (right arrow)mark while going to the right
Shift + <- (left arrow)mark while going to the left
Shift + Homemark to beginning of line
Shift + Endmark to end of line
Shift + Ctrl + Homemark to top
Shift + Ctrl + Endmark to bottom
Shift + Page Uppage up and mark
Shift + Page Downpage down and mark
Shift + Ctrl + Page Upmark to top
Shift + Ctrl + Page Downmark to bottom
Shift + MB1extend the current marked text selection to the click position
剪切,复制,粘贴Cut, Copy, and PasteDeletedelete the next character (or marked text)
Ctrl + Deletedelete from the insertion point position to the end of the current word
Ctrl + Backspacedelete from the insertion point position to the start of the current word
Ctrl + MB1selects the entire line (clicked line)
Ctrl + Zundo previous action
Ctrl + Xcut selected text 剪切代码
Ctrl + Ccopy selected text to pastebuffer复制
Ctrl + Vpaste text 粘贴
窗口控制Window ControlAltswitch focus to or from the main menu bar
Shift + F5cascade the windows
Shift + F4tile the windows vertically
Shift + F3tile the windows horizontally
Ctrl + F6next window 激活下一个窗口
Alt + F4exit SAS 离开SAS系统
Ctrl + F4close the active window
Shift + F10open context menu
Resizing the Docking ViewAlt + W + Sstart docking view resizing
 -> (right arrow)move the split bar a small amount to the right
 <- (left arrow)move the split bar a small amount to the right
 Ctrl + -> (right arrow)move the split bar a larger amount to the right
 Ctrl + <- (left arrow)move the split bar a larger amount to the left
 Homemove the split bar all the way to the left
 Endmove the split bar all the way to the right
 Returnaccept the current size of the docking view and exit docking view resizing
 Escend docking view resizing without resizing the docking view
杂项MiscellaneousAlt + Enteropen the Properties dialog box for a selected object. This command is valid only in a Tree view or a List view.
Esc + letter (or number)color or highlighting attributes in NOTEPAD window


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上一篇 2016-04-17 23:23
下一篇 2016-04-26 23:18

