SAS9.2 的常规函数已达到499个。庞大的函数库确实给SASor们带来了非常多的方便,但是仓库式的SAS builted in帮助太杂乱,常常让人有一种“不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中”的感觉。有时,需要的函数找不到,找到的函数又不合适。其实SAS很体贴地不断增加高效的函数来精简你的代码和提高编程速度,可惜很多函数,SASor们并不知晓,常常看到别人使用的时候,才惊叹“原来SAS已经提供了这样的函数,我编了半天小算法”,或者“白费这么大劲,编了个宏”等等。这里按类列出SAS9.2版本的函数,供大家参考。
一,常规函数 ;二,windows环境下函数;三,OpenVMS虚拟内存环境下函数;四,z/OS操作环境下函数,五,宏语言函数;六,多国语言函数,七,其他函数
Character 字符函数
函数名称 | 功能 |
ANYALNUM Function | Searches a character string for an alphanumeric character, and returns the first position at which the character is found. |
ANYALPHA Function | Searches a character string for an alphabetic character, and returns the first position at which the character is found. |
ANYCNTRL Function | Searches a character string for a control character, and returns the first position at which that character is found. |
ANYDIGIT Function | Searches a character string for a digit, and returns the first position at which the digit is found. |
ANYFIRST Function | Searches a character string for a character that is valid as the first character in a SAS variable name under VALIDVARNAME=V7, and returns the first position at which that character is found. |
ANYGRAPH Function | Searches a character string for a graphical character, and returns the first position at which that character is found. |
ANYLOWER Function | Searches a character string for a lowercase letter, and returns the first position at which the letter is found. |
ANYNAME Function | Searches a character string for a character that is valid in a SAS variable name under VALIDVARNAME=V7, and returns the first position at which that character is found. |
ANYPRINT Function | Searches a character string for a printable character, and returns the first position at which that character is found. |
ANYPUNCT Function | Searches a character string for a punctuation character, and returns the first position at which that character is found. |
ANYSPACE Function | Searches a character string for a white-space character (blank, horizontal and vertical tab, carriage return, line feed, and form feed), and returns the first position at which that character is found. |
ANYUPPER Function | Searches a character string for an uppercase letter, and returns the first position at which the letter is found. |
ANYXDIGIT Function | Searches a character string for a hexadecimal character that represents a digit, and returns the first position at which that character is found. |
BYTE Function | Returns one character in the ASCII or the EBCDIC collating sequence. |
CALL CATS Routine | Removes leading and trailing blanks, and returns a concatenated character string. |
CALL CATT Routine | Removes trailing blanks, and returns a concatenated character string. |
CALL CATX Routine | Removes leading and trailing blanks, inserts delimiters, and returns a concatenated character string. |
CALL COMPCOST Routine | Sets the costs of operations for later use by the COMPGED function |
CALL MISSING Routine | Assigns missing values to the specified character or numeric variables. |
CALL SCAN Routine | Returns the position and length of the nth word from a character string. |
CAT Function | Does not remove leading or trailing blanks, and returns a concatenated character string. |
CATQ Function | Concatenates character or numeric values by using a delimiter to separate items and by adding quotation marks to strings that contain the delimiter. |
CATS Function | Removes leading and trailing blanks, and returns a concatenated character string. |
CATT Function | Removes trailing blanks, and returns a concatenated character string. |
CATX Function | Removes leading and trailing blanks, inserts delimiters, and returns a character string. |
CHAR Function | Returns a single character from a specified position in a character string. |
CHOOSEC Function | Returns a character value that represents the results of choosing from a list of arguments. |
CHOOSEN Function | Returns a numeric value that represents the results of choosing from a list of arguments. |
COALESCEC Function | Returns the first non-missing value from a list of character arguments. |
COLLATE Function | Returns a character string in ASCII or EBCDIC collating sequence. |
COMPARE Function | Returns the position of the leftmost character by which two strings differ, or returns 0 if there is no difference. |
COMPBL Function | Removes multiple blanks from a character string. |
COMPGED Function | Returns the generalized edit distance between two strings. |
COMPLEV Function | Returns the Levenshtein edit distance between two strings. |
COMPRESS Function | Returns a character string with specified characters removed from the original string. |
COUNT Function | Counts the number of times that a specified substring appears within a character string. |
COUNTC Function | Counts the number of characters in a string that appear or do not appear in a list of characters. |
COUNTW Function | Counts the number of words in a character string. |
DEQUOTE Function | Removes matching quotation marks from a character string that begins with a quotation mark, and deletes all characters to the right of the closing quotation mark. |
FIND Function | Searches for a specific substring of characters within a character string. |
FINDC Function | Searches a string for any character in a list of characters. |
FINDW Function | Returns the character position of a word in a string, or returns the number of the word in a string. |
FIRST Function | Returns the first character in a character string. |
IFC Function | Returns a character value based on whether an expression is true, false, or missing. |
INDEX Function | Searches a character expression for a string of characters, and returns the position of the string’s first character for the first occurrence of the string. |
INDEXC Function | Searches a character expression for any of the specified characters, and returns the position of that character. |
INDEXW Function | Searches a character expression for a string that is specified as a word, and returns the position of the first character in the word. |
LEFT Function | Left-aligns a character string. |
LENGTH Function | Returns the length of a non-blank character string, excluding trailing blanks, and returns 1 for a blank character string. |
LENGTHC Function | Returns the length of a character string, including trailing blanks. |
LENGTHM Function | Returns the amount of memory (in bytes) that is allocated for a character string. |
LENGTHN Function | Returns the length of a character string, excluding trailing blanks. |
LOWCASE Function | Converts all letters in an argument to lowercase. |
MD5 Function | Returns the result of the message digest of a specified string. |
MISSING Function | Returns a numeric result that indicates whether the argument contains a missing value. |
NLITERAL Function | Converts a character string that you specify to a SAS name literal. |
NOTALNUM Function | Searches a character string for a non-alphanumeric character, and returns the first position at which the character is found. |
NOTALPHA Function | Searches a character string for a nonalphabetic character, and returns the first position at which the character is found. |
NOTCNTRL Function | Searches a character string for a character that is not a control character, and returns the first position at which that character is found. |
NOTDIGIT Function | Searches a character string for any character that is not a digit, and returns the first position at which that character is found. |
NOTFIRST Function | Searches a character string for an invalid first character in a SAS variable name under VALIDVARNAME=V7, and returns the first position at which that character is found. |
NOTGRAPH Function | Searches a character string for a non-graphical character, and returns the first position at which that character is found. |
NOTLOWER Function | Searches a character string for a character that is not a lowercase letter, and returns the first position at which that character is found. |
NOTNAME Function | Searches a character string for an invalid character in a SAS variable name under VALIDVARNAME=V7, and returns the first position at which that character is found. |
NOTPRINT Function | Searches a character string for a nonprintable character, and returns the first position at which that character is found. |
NOTPUNCT Function | Searches a character string for a character that is not a punctuation character, and returns the first position at which that character is found. |
NOTSPACE Function | Searches a character string for a character that is not a white-space character (blank, horizontal and vertical tab, carriage return, line feed, and form feed), and returns the first position at which that character is found. |
NOTUPPER Function | Searches a character string for a character that is not an uppercase letter, and returns the first position at which that character is found. |
NOTXDIGIT Function | Searches a character string for a character that is not a hexadecimal character, and returns the first position at which that character is found. |
NVALID Function | Checks the validity of a character string for use as a SAS variable name. |
PROPCASE Function | Converts all words in an argument to proper case. |
QUOTE Function | Adds double quotation marks to a character value. |
RANK Function | Returns the position of a character in the ASCII or EBCDIC collating sequence. |
REPEAT Function | Returns a character value that consists of the first argument repeated n+1 times. |
REVERSE Function | Reverses a character string. |
RIGHT Function | Right aligns a character expression. |
SCAN Function | Returns the nth word from a character string. |
SOUNDEX Function | Encodes a string to facilitate searching. |
SPEDIS Function | Determines the likelihood of two words matching, expressed as the asymmetric spelling distance between the two words. |
STRIP Function | Returns a character string with all leading and trailing blanks removed. |
SUBPAD Function | Returns a substring that has a length you specify, using blank padding if necessary. |
SUBSTR (left of =) Function | Replaces character value contents. |
SUBSTR (right of =) Function | Extracts a substring from an argument. |
SUBSTRN Function | Returns a substring, allowing a result with a length of zero. |
TRANSLATE Function | Replaces specific characters in a character string. |
TRANSTRN Function | Replaces all occurrences of a substring found in a character string, allowing a zero-length replacement string. |
TRANWRD Function | Replaces or removes all occurrences of a substring in a character string. |
TRIM Function | Removes trailing blanks from a character string, and returns one blank if the string is missing. |
TRIMN Function | Removes trailing blanks from character expressions, and returns a string with a length of zero if the expression is missing. |
UPCASE Function | Converts all letters in an argument to uppercase. |
VERIFY Function | Returns the position of the first character in a string that is not in any of several other strings. |
日期和时间函数 Date and Time
CALL IS8601_CONVERT Routine | Converts an ISO 8601 interval to datetime and duration values, or converts datetime and duration values to an ISO 8601 interval. |
DATDIF Function | Returns the number of days between two dates. |
DATE Function | Returns the current date as a SAS date value. |
DATEJUL Function | Converts a Julian date to a SAS date value. |
DATEPART Function | Extracts the date from a SAS datetime value. |
DATETIME Function | Returns the current date and time of day as a SAS datetime value. |
DAY Function | Returns the day of the month from a SAS date value. |
DHMS Function | Returns a SAS datetime value from date, hour, minute, and second values. |
HMS Function | Returns a SAS time value from hour, minute, and second values. |
HOLIDAY Function | Returns a SAS date value of a specified holiday for a specified year. |
HOUR Function | Returns the hour from a SAS time or datetime value. |
INTCINDEX Function | Returns the cycle index when a date, time, or datetime interval and value are specified. |
INTCK Function | Returns the count of the number of interval boundaries between two dates, two times, or two datetime values. |
INTCYCLE Function | Returns the date, time, or datetime interval at the next higher seasonal cycle when a date, time, or datetime interval is specified. |
INTFIT Function | Returns a time interval that is aligned between two dates. |
INTFMT Function | Returns a recommended SAS format when a date, time, or datetime interval is specified. |
INTGET Function | Returns a time interval based on three date or datetime values. |
INTINDEX Function | Returns the seasonal index when a date, time, or datetime interval and value are specified. |
INTNX Function | Increments a date, time, or datetime value by a given time interval, and returns a date, time, or datetime value. |
INTSEAS Function | Returns the length of the seasonal cycle when a date, time, or datetime interval is specified. |
INTSHIFT Function | Returns the shift interval that corresponds to the base interval. |
INTTEST Function | Returns 1 if a time interval is valid, and returns 0 if a time interval is invalid. |
JULDATE Function | Returns the Julian date from a SAS date value. |
JULDATE7 Function | Returns a seven-digit Julian date from a SAS date value. |
MDY Function | Returns a SAS date value from month, day, and year values. |
MINUTE Function | Returns the minute from a SAS time or datetime value. |
MONTH Function | Returns the month from a SAS date value. |
NWKDOM Function | Returns the date for the nth occurrence of a weekday for the specified month and year. |
QTR Function | Returns the quarter of the year from a SAS date value. |
SECOND Function | Returns the second from a SAS time or datetime value. |
TIME Function | Returns the current time of day as a numeric SAS time value. |
TIMEPART Function | Extracts a time value from a SAS datetime value. |
TODAY Function | Returns the current date as a numeric SAS date value. |
WEEK Function | Returns the week-number value. |
WEEKDAY Function | From a SAS date value, returns an integer that corresponds to the day of the week. |
YEAR Function | Returns the year from a SAS date value. |
YRDIF Function | Returns the difference in years between two dates. |
YYQ Function | Returns a SAS date value from year and quarter year values. |
描述统计函数 Descriptive Statistics
CMISS Function | Counts the number of missing arguments. |
CSS Function | Returns the corrected sum of squares. |
CV Function | Returns the coefficient of variation. |
EUCLID Function | Returns the Euclidean norm of the non-missing arguments. |
GEOMEAN Function | Returns the geometric mean. |
GEOMEANZ Function | Returns the geometric mean, using zero fuzzing. |
HARMEAN Function | Returns the harmonic mean. |
HARMEANZ Function | Returns the harmonic mean, using zero fuzzing. |
IQR Function | Returns the interquartile range. |
KURTOSIS Function | Returns the kurtosis. |
LARGEST Function | Returns the kth largest non-missing value. |
LPNORM Function | Returns the Lp norm of the second argument and subsequent non-missing arguments. |
MAD Function | Returns the median absolute deviation from the median. |
MAX Function | Returns the largest value. |
MEAN Function | Returns the arithmetic mean (average). |
MEDIAN Function | Returns the median value. |
MIN Function | Returns the smallest value. |
MISSING Function | Returns a numeric result that indicates whether the argument contains a missing value. |
N Function | Returns the number of non-missing numeric values. |
NMISS Function | Returns the number of missing numeric values. |
ORDINAL Function | Returns the kth smallest of the missing and nonmissing values. |
PCTL Function | Returns the percentile that corresponds to the percentage. |
RANGE Function | Returns the range of the nonmissing values. |
RMS Function | Returns the root mean square of the nonmissing arguments. |
SKEWNESS Function | Returns the skewness of the nonmissing arguments. |
SMALLEST Function | Returns the kth smallest nonmissing value. |
STD Function | Returns the standard deviation of the nonmissing arguments. |
STDERR Function | Returns the standard error of the mean of the nonmissing arguments. |
SUM Function | Returns the sum of the nonmissing arguments. |
SUMABS Function | Returns the sum of the absolute values of the non-missing arguments. |
USS Function | Returns the uncorrected sum of squares of the nonmissing arguments. |
VAR Function | Returns the variance of the nonmissing arguments. |
数学函数 Mathematical
ABS Function | Returns the absolute value. |
AIRY Function | Returns the value of the Airy function. |
BETA Function | Returns the value of the beta function. |
CALL LOGISTIC Routine | Applies the logistic function to each argument. |
CALL SOFTMAX Routine | Returns the softmax value. |
CALL STDIZE Routine | Standardizes the values of one or more variables. |
CALL TANH Routine | Returns the hyperbolic tangent. |
CNONCT Function | Returns the noncentrality parameter from a chi-square distribution. |
COALESCE Function | Returns the first non-missing value from a list of numeric arguments. |
CONSTANT Function | Computes machine and mathematical constants. |
DAIRY Function | Returns the derivative of the AIRY function. |
DEVIANCE Function | Returns the deviance based on a probability distribution. |
DIGAMMA Function | Returns the value of the digamma function. |
ERF Function | Returns the value of the (normal) error function. |
ERFC Function | Returns the value of the complementary (normal) error function. |
EXP Function | Returns the value of the exponential function. |
FACT Function | Computes a factorial. |
FNONCT Function | Returns the value of the noncentrality parameter of an F distribution. |
GAMMA Function | Returns the value of the gamma function. |
GCD Function | Returns the greatest common divisor for one or more integers. |
IBESSEL Function | Returns the value of the modified Bessel function. |
JBESSEL Function | Returns the value of the Bessel function. |
LCM Function | Returns the least common multiple. |
LGAMMA Function | Returns the natural logarithm of the Gamma function. |
LOG Function | Returns the natural (base e) logarithm. |
LOG1PX Function | Returns the log of 1 plus the argument. |
LOG10 Function | Returns the logarithm to the base 10. |
LOG2 Function | Returns the logarithm to the base 2. |
LOGBETA Function | Returns the logarithm of the beta function. |
MOD Function | Returns the remainder from the division of the first argument by the second argument, fuzzed to avoid most unexpected floating-point results. |
MODZ Function | Returns the remainder from the division of the first argument by the second argument, using zero fuzzing. |
MSPLINT Function | Returns the ordinate of a monotonicity-preserving interpolating spline. |
SIGN Function | Returns the sign of a value. |
SQRT Function | Returns the square root of a value. |
TNONCT Function | Returns the value of the noncentrality parameter from the Student’s t distribution. |
TRIGAMMA Function | Returns the value of the trigamma function. |
分布密度函数、分布函数 Probability
CDF Function | Returns a value from a cumulative probability distribution. |
LOGCDF Function | Returns the logarithm of a left cumulative distribution function. |
LOGPDF Function | Returns the logarithm of a probability density (mass) function. |
LOGSDF Function | Returns the logarithm of a survival function. |
PDF Function | Returns a value from a probability density (mass) distribution. |
POISSON Function | Returns the probability from a Poisson distribution. |
PROBBETA Function | Returns the probability from a beta distribution. |
PROBBNML Function | Returns the probability from a binomial distribution. |
PROBBNRM Function | Returns a probability from a bivariate normal distribution. |
PROBCHI Function | Returns the probability from a chi-square distribution. |
PROBF Function | Returns the probability from an F distribution. |
PROBGAM Function | Returns the probability from a gamma distribution. |
PROBHYPR Function | Returns the probability from a hypergeometric distribution. |
PROBMC Function | Returns a probability or a quantile from various distributions for multiple comparisons of means. |
PROBNEGB Function | Returns the probability from a negative binomial distribution. |
PROBNORM Function | Returns the probability from the standard normal distribution. |
PROBT Function | Returns the probability from a t distribution. |
SDF Function | Returns a survival function. |
二进制逻辑操作符 Bitwise Logical Operations
BAND Function | Returns the bitwise logical AND of two arguments. |
BLSHIFT Function | Returns the bitwise logical left shift of two arguments. |
BNOT Function | Returns the bitwise logical NOT of an argument. |
BOR Function | Returns the bitwise logical OR of two arguments. |
BRSHIFT Function | Returns the bitwise logical right shift of two arguments. |
BXOR Function | Returns the bitwise logical EXCLUSIVE OR of two arguments. |
数组函数 Array
DIM Function | Returns the number of elements in an array. |
HBOUND Function | Returns the upper bound of an array. |
LBOUND Function | Returns the lower bound of an array. |
字符串配对函数 Character String Matching
CALL PRXCHANGE Routine | Performs a pattern-matching replacement. |
CALL PRXDEBUG Routine | Enables Perl regular expressions in a DATA step to send debugging output to the SAS log. |
CALL PRXFREE Routine | Frees memory that was allocated for a Perl regular expression. |
CALL PRXNEXT Routine | Returns the position and length of a substring that matches a pattern, and iterates over multiple matches within one string. |
CALL PRXPOSN Routine | Returns the start position and length for a capture buffer. |
CALL PRXSUBSTR Routine | Returns the position and length of a substring that matches a pattern. |
PRXCHANGE Function | Performs a pattern-matching replacement. |
PRXMATCH Function | Searches for a pattern match and returns the position at which the pattern is found. |
PRXPAREN Function | Returns the last bracket match for which there is a match in a pattern. |
PRXPARSE Function | Compiles a Perl regular expression (PRX) that can be used for pattern matching of a character value. |
PRXPOSN Function | Returns a character string that contains the value for a capture buffer. |
组合函数 Combinatorial
ALLCOMB Function | Generates all combinations of the values of n variables taken k at a time in a minimal change order. |
ALLPERM Function | Generates all permutations of the values of several variables in a minimal change order. |
CALL ALLCOMB Routine | Generates all combinations of the values of n variables taken k at a time in a minimal change order. |
CALL ALLCOMBI Routine | Generates all combinations of the indices of n objects taken k at a time in a minimal change order. |
CALL ALLPERM Routine | Generates all permutations of the values of several variables in a minimal change order. |
CALL GRAYCODE Routine | Generates all subsets of n items in a minimal change order. |
CALL LEXCOMB Routine | Generates all distinct combinations of the non-missing values of n variables taken k at a time in lexicographic order. |
CALL LEXCOMBI Routine | Generates all combinations of the indices of n objects taken k at a time in lexicographic order. |
CALL LEXPERK Routine | Generates all distinct permutations of the non-missing values of n variables taken k at a time in lexicographic order. |
CALL LEXPERM Routine | Generates all distinct permutations of the non-missing values of several variables in lexicographic order. |
CALL RANPERK Routine | Randomly permutes the values of the arguments, and returns a permutation of k out of n values. |
CALL RANPERM Routine | Randomly permutes the values of the arguments. |
COMB Function | Computes the number of combinations of n elements taken r at a time. |
GRAYCODE Function | Generates all subsets of n items in a minimal change order. |
LCOMB Function | Computes the logarithm of the COMB function; that is, the logarithm of the number of combinations of n objects taken r at a time. |
LEXCOMB Function | Generates all distinct combinations of the non-missing values of n variables taken k at a time in lexicographic order. |
LEXCOMBI Function | Generates all combinations of the indices of n objects taken k at a time in lexicographic order. |
LEXPERK Function | Generates all distinct permutations of the non-missing values of n variables taken k at a time in lexicographic order. |
LEXPERM Function | Generates all distinct permutations of the non-missing values of several variables in lexicographic order. |
LFACT Function | Computes the logarithm of the FACT (factorial) function. |
LPERM Function | Computes the logarithm of the PERM function; that is, the logarithm of the number of permutations of n objects, with the option of including r number of elements. |
PERM Function | Computes the number of permutations of n items that are taken r at a time. |
双曲线函数 Hyperbolic
ARCOSH Function | Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine. |
ARSINH Function | Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine. |
ARTANH Function | Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent. |
COSH Function | Returns the hyperbolic cosine. |
SINH Function | Returns the hyperbolic sine. |
TANH Function | Returns the hyperbolic tangent. |
宏函数 Macro
CALL EXECUTE Routine | Resolves the argument, and issues the resolved value for execution at the next step boundary. |
CALL SYMPUT Routine | Assigns DATA step information to a macro variable. |
CALL SYMPUTX Routine | Assigns a value to a macro variable, and removes both leading and trailing blanks. |
RESOLVE Function | Returns the resolved value of the argument after it has been processed by the macro facility. |
SYMEXIST Function | Returns an indication of the existence of a macro variable. |
SYMGET Function | Returns the value of a macro variable during DATA step execution. |
SYMGLOBL Function | Returns an indication of whether a macro variable is in global scope to the DATA step during DATA step execution. |
SYMLOCAL Function | Returns an indication of whether a macro variable is in local scope to the DATA step during DATA step execution. |
分位数函数 Quantile
BETAINV Function | Returns a quantile from the beta distribution. |
CINV Function | Returns a quantile from the chi-square distribution. |
FINV Function | Returns a quantile from the F distribution. |
GAMINV Function | Returns a quantile from the gamma distribution. |
PROBIT Function | Returns a quantile from the standard normal distribution. |
QUANTILE Function | Returns the quantile from a distribution that you specify. |
TINV Function | Returns a quantile from the t distribution. |
搜索函数 Search
WHICHC Function | Searches for a character value that is equal to the first argument, and returns the index of the first matching value. |
WHICHN Function | Searches for a numeric value that is equal to the first argument, and returns the index of the first matching value. |
CALL SORTC Routine | Sorts the values of character arguments. |
CALL SORTN Routine | Sorts the values of numeric arguments. |
外部例程 External Routines
CALL MODULE Routine | Calls an external routine without any return code. |
MODULEC Function | Calls an external routine and returns a character value. |
MODULEN Function | Calls an external routine and returns a numeric value. |
ARCOS Function | Returns the arccosine. |
ARSIN Function | Returns the arcsine. |
ATAN Function | Returns the arc tangent. |
ATAN2 Function | Returns the arc tangent of the ratio of two numeric variables. |
COS Function | Returns the cosine. |
SIN Function | Returns the sine. |
TAN Function | Returns the tangent. |
截断函数 Truncation
CEIL Function | Returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to the argument, fuzzed to avoid unexpected floating-point results. |
CEILZ Function | Returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to the argument, using zero fuzzing. |
FLOOR Function | Returns the largest integer that is less than or equal to the argument, fuzzed to avoid unexpected floating-point results. |
FLOORZ Function | Returns the largest integer that is less than or equal to the argument, using zero fuzzing. |
FUZZ Function | Returns the nearest integer if the argument is within 1E-12 of that integer. |
INT Function | Returns the integer value, fuzzed to avoid unexpected floating-point results. |
INTZ Function | Returns the integer portion of the argument, using zero fuzzing. |
ROUND Function | Rounds the first argument to the nearest multiple of the second argument, or to the nearest integer when the second argument is omitted. |
ROUNDE Function | Rounds the first argument to the nearest multiple of the second argument, and returns an even multiple when the first argument is halfway between the two nearest multiples. |
ROUNDZ Function | Rounds the first argument to the nearest multiple of the second argument, using zero fuzzing. |
TRUNC Function | Truncates a numeric value to a specified number of bytes. |
变量控制函数Variable Control
CALL LABEL Routine | Assigns a variable label to a specified character variable. |
CALL SET Routine | Links SAS data set variables to DATA step or macro variables that have the same name and data type. |
CALL VNAME Routine | Assigns a variable name as the value of a specified variable. |
算术函数 Arithmetic
DIVIDE | Returns the result of a division that handles special missing values for ODS output. |
返回数值函数 Numeric
IFN Function | Returns a numeric value based on whether an expression is true, false, or missing. |
网络工具函数Web Tools
HTMLDECODE Function | Decodes a string that contains HTML numeric character references or HTML character entity references, and returns the decoded string. |
HTMLENCODE Function | Encodes characters using HTML character entity references, and returns the encoded string. |
URLDECODE Function | Returns a string that was decoded using the URL escape syntax. |
URLENCODE Function | Returns a string that was encoded using the URL escape syntax. |
外部文件函数 External Files
DCLOSE Function | Closes a directory that was opened by the DOPEN function. |
DCREATE Function | Returns the complete pathname of a new, external directory. |
DINFO Function | Returns information about a directory. |
DNUM Function | Returns the number of members in a directory. |
DOPEN Function | Opens a directory, and returns a directory identifier value. |
DOPTNAME Function | Returns directory attribute information. |
DOPTNUM Function | Returns the number of information items that are available for a directory. |
DREAD Function | Returns the name of a directory member. |
DROPNOTE Function | Deletes a note marker from a SAS data set or an external file. |
FAPPEND Function | Appends the current record to the end of an external file. |
FCLOSE Function | Closes an external file, directory, or directory member. |
FCOL Function | Returns the current column position in the File Data Buffer (FDB). |
FDELETE Function | Deletes an external file or an empty directory. |
FEXIST Function | Verifies the existence of an external file that is associated with a fileref. |
FGET Function | Copies data from the File Data Buffer (FDB) into a variable. |
FILEEXIST Function | Verifies the existence of an external file by its physical name. |
FILENAME Function | Assigns or deassigns a fileref to an external file, directory, or output device. |
FILEREF Function | Verifies whether a fileref has been assigned for the current SAS session. |
FINFO Function | Returns the value of a file information item. |
FNOTE Function | Identifies the last record that was read, and returns a value that the FPOINT function can use. |
FOPEN Function | Opens an external file and returns a file identifier value. |
FOPTNAME Function | Returns the name of an item of information about a file. |
FOPTNUM Function | Returns the number of information items that are available for an external file. |
FPOINT Function | Positions the read pointer on the next record to be read. |
FPOS Function | Sets the position of the column pointer in the File Data Buffer (FDB). |
FPUT Function | Moves data to the File Data Buffer (FDB) of an external file, starting at the FDB’s current column position. |
FREAD Function | Reads a record from an external file into the File Data Buffer (FDB). |
FREWIND Function | Positions the file pointer to the start of the file. |
FRLEN Function | Returns the size of the last record that was read, or, if the file is opened for output, returns the current record size. |
FSEP Function | Sets the token delimiters for the FGET function. |
FWRITE Function | Writes a record to an external file. |
MOPEN Function | Opens a file by directory ID and member name, and returns either the file identifier or a 0. |
PATHNAME Function | Returns the physical name of an external file or a SAS library, or returns a blank. |
RENAME Function | Renames a member of a SAS library, an entry in a SAS catalog, an external file, or a directory. |
SYSMSG Function | Returns error or warning message text from processing the last data set or external file function. |
SYSRC Function | Returns a system error number. |
BLACKCLPRC Function | Calculates call prices for European options on futures, based on the Black model. |
BLACKPTPRC Function | Calculates put prices for European options on futures, based on the Black model. |
BLKSHCLPRC Function | Calculates call prices for European options on stocks, based on the Black-Scholes model. |
BLKSHPTPRC Function | Calculates put prices for European options on stocks, based on the Black-Scholes model. |
COMPOUND Function | Returns compound interest parameters. |
CONVX Function | Returns the convexity for an enumerated cash flow. |
CONVXP Function | Returns the convexity for a periodic cash flow stream, such as a bond. |
DACCDB Function | Returns the accumulated declining balance depreciation. |
DACCDBSL Function | Returns the accumulated declining balance with conversion to a straight-line depreciation. |
DACCSL Function | Returns the accumulated straight-line depreciation. |
DACCSYD Function | Returns the accumulated sum-of-years-digits depreciation. |
DACCTAB Function | Returns the accumulated depreciation from specified tables. |
DEPDB Function | Returns the declining balance depreciation. |
DEPDBSL Function | Returns the declining balance with conversion to a straight-line depreciation. |
DEPSL Function | Returns the straight-line depreciation. |
DEPSYD Function | Returns the sum-of-years-digits depreciation. |
DEPTAB Function | Returns the depreciation from specified tables. |
DUR Function | Returns the modified duration for an enumerated cash flow. |
DURP Function | Returns the modified duration for a periodic cash flow stream, such as a bond. |
FINANCE Function | Computes financial calculations such as depreciation, maturation, accrued interest, net present value, periodic savings, and internal rates of return. |
GARKHCLPRC Function | Calculates call prices for European options on stocks, based on the Garman-Kohlhagen model. |
GARKHPTPRC Function | Calculates put prices for European options on stocks, based on the Garman-Kohlhagen model. |
INTRR Function | Returns the internal rate of return as a fraction. |
IRR Function | Returns the internal rate of return as a percentage. |
MARGRCLPRC Function | Calculates call prices for European options on stocks, based on the Margrabe model. |
MARGRPTPRC Function | Calculates put prices for European options on stocks, based on the Margrabe model. |
MORT Function | Returns amortization parameters. |
NETPV Function | Returns the net present value as a fraction. |
NPV Function | Returns the net present value with the rate expressed as a percentage. |
PVP Function | Returns the present value for a periodic cash flow stream (such as a bond), with repayment of principal at maturity. |
SAVING Function | Returns the future value of a periodic saving. |
YIELDP Function | Returns the yield-to-maturity for a periodic cash flow stream, such as a bond. |
产生随机数函数 Random Number
CALL RANBIN Routine | Returns a random variate from a binomial distribution. |
CALL RANCAU Routine | Returns a random variate from a Cauchy distribution. |
CALL RANEXP Routine | Returns a random variate from an exponential distribution. |
CALL RANGAM Routine | Returns a random variate from a gamma distribution. |
CALL RANNOR Routine | Returns a random variate from a normal distribution. |
CALL RANPOI Routine | Returns a random variate from a Poisson distribution. |
CALL RANTBL Routine | Returns a random variate from a tabled probability distribution. |
CALL RANTRI Routine | Returns a random variate from a triangular distribution. |
CALL RANUNI Routine | Returns a random variate from a uniform distribution. |
CALL STREAMINIT Routine | Specifies a seed value to use for subsequent random number generation by the RAND function. |
NORMAL Function | Returns a random variate from a normal, or Gaussian, distribution. |
RANBIN Function | Returns a random variate from a binomial distribution. |
RANCAU Function | Returns a random variate from a Cauchy distribution. |
RAND Function | Generates random numbers from a distribution that you specify. |
RANEXP Function | Returns a random variate from an exponential distribution. |
RANGAM Function | Returns a random variate from a gamma distribution. |
RANNOR Function | Returns a random variate from a normal distribution. |
RANPOI Function | Returns a random variate from a Poisson distribution. |
RANTBL Function | Returns a random variate from a tabled probability distribution. |
RANTRI Function | Returns a random variate from a triangular distribution. |
RANUNI Function | Returns a random variate from a uniform distribution. |
UNIFORM Function | Returns a random variate from a uniform distribution. |
SAS文件IO函数 SAS File I/O
ATTRC Function | Returns the value of a character attribute for a SAS data set. | |
ATTRN Function | Returns the value of a numeric attribute for a SAS data set. | |
CEXIST Function | Verifies the existence of a SAS catalog or SAS catalog entry. | |
CLOSE Function | Closes a SAS data set. | |
CUROBS Function | Returns the observation number of the current observation. | |
DROPNOTE Function | Deletes a note marker from a SAS data set or an external file. | |
DSNAME Function | Returns the SAS data set name that is associated with a data set identifier. | |
ENVLEN Function | Returns the length of an environment variable. | |
EXIST Function | Verifies the existence of a SAS library member. | |
FETCH Function | Reads the next non-deleted observation from a SAS data set into the Data Set Data Vector (DDV). | |
FETCHOBS Function | Reads a specified observation from a SAS data set into the Data Set Data Vector (DDV). | |
GETVARC Function | Returns the value of a SAS data set character variable. | |
GETVARN Function | Returns the value of a SAS data set numeric variable. | |
IORCMSG Function | Returns a formatted error message for width=”20%”>LIBNAME Function | Assigns or deassigns a libref for a SAS library. |
LIBREF Function | Verifies that a libref has been assigned. | |
NOTE Function | Returns an observation ID for the current observation of a SAS data set. | |
OPEN Function | Opens a SAS data set. | |
PATHNAME Function | Returns the physical name of an external file or a SAS library, or returns a blank. | |
POINT Function | Locates an observation that is identified by the NOTE function. | |
RENAME Function | Renames a member of a SAS library, an entry in a SAS catalog, an external file, or a directory. | |
REWIND Function | Positions the data set pointer at the beginning of a SAS data set. | |
SYSMSG Function | Returns error or warning message text from processing the last data set or external file function. | |
SYSRC Function | Returns a system error number. | |
VARFMT Function | Returns the format that is assigned to a SAS data set variable. | |
VARINFMT Function | Returns the informat that is assigned to a SAS data set variable. | |
VARLABEL Function | Returns the label that is assigned to a SAS data set variable. | |
VARLEN Function | Returns the length of a SAS data set variable. | |
VARNAME Function | Returns the name of a SAS data set variable. | |
VARNUM Function | Returns the number of a variable’s position in a SAS data set. | |
VARTYPE Function | Returns the data type of a SAS data set variable. |
特殊函数 Special
ADDR Function | Returns the memory address of a variable on a 32-bit platform. |
ADDRLONG Function | Returns the memory address of a variable on 32-bit and 64-bit platforms. |
CALL POKE Routine | Writes a value directly into memory on a 32-bit platform. |
CALL POKELONG Routine | Writes a value directly into memory on 32-bit and 64-bit platforms. |
CALL SLEEP Routine | For a specified period of time, suspends the execution of a program that invokes this CALL routine. |
CALL SYSTEM Routine | Submits an operating environment command for execution. |
DIF Function | Returns differences between an argument and its nth lag. |
GETOPTION Function | Returns the value of a SAS system or graphics option. |
INPUT Function | Returns the value that is produced when SAS converts an expression using the specified informat. |
INPUTC Function | Enables you to specify a character informat at run time. |
INPUTN Function | Enables you to specify a numeric informat at run time. |
LAG Function | Returns values from a queue. |
PEEK Function | Stores the contents of a memory address in a numeric variable on a 32-bit platform. |
PEEKC Function | Stores the contents of a memory address in a character variable on a 32-bit platform. |
PEEKCLONG Function | Stores the contents of a memory address in a character variable on 32-bit and 64-bit platforms. |
PEEKLONG Function | Stores the contents of a memory address in a numeric variable on 32-bit and 64-bit platforms. |
PTRLONGADD Function | Returns the pointer address as a character variable on 32-bit and 64-bit platforms. |
PUT Function | Returns a value using a specified format. |
PUTC Function | Enables you to specify a character format at run time. |
PUTN Function | Enables you to specify a numeric format at run time. |
SLEEP Function | For a specified period of time, suspends the execution of a program that invokes this function. |
SYSGET Function | Returns the value of the specified operating environment variable. |
SYSPARM Function | Returns the system parameter string. |
SYSPROCESSID Function | Returns the process ID of the current process. |
SYSPROCESSNAME Function | Returns the process name that is associated with a given process ID, or returns the name of the current process. |
SYSPROD Function | Determines whether a product is licensed. |
SYSTEM Function | Issues an operating environment command during a SAS session, and returns the system return code. |
UUIDGEN Function | Returns the short or binary form of a Universal Unique Identifier (UUID). |
变量信息函数 Variable Information
CALL VNEXT Routine | Returns the name, type, and length of a variable that is used in a DATA step. |
VARRAY Function | Returns a value that indicates whether the specified name is an array. |
VARRAYX Function | Returns a value that indicates whether the value of the specified argument is an array. |
VFORMAT Function | Returns the format that is associated with the specified variable. |
VFORMATD Function | Returns the decimal value of the format that is associated with the specified variable. |
VFORMATDX Function | Returns the decimal value of the format that is associated with the value of the specified argument. |
VFORMATN Function | Returns the format name that is associated with the specified variable. |
VFORMATNX Function | Returns the format name that is associated with the value of the specified argument. |
VFORMATW Function | Returns the format width that is associated with the specified variable. |
VFORMATWX Function | Returns the format width that is associated with the value of the specified argument. |
VFORMATX Function | Returns the format that is associated with the value of the specified argument. |
VINARRAY Function | Returns a value that indicates whether the specified variable is a member of an array. |
VINARRAYX Function | Returns a value that indicates whether the value of the specified argument is a member of an array. |
VINFORMAT Function | Returns the informat that is associated with the specified variable. |
VINFORMATD Function | Returns the decimal value of the informat that is associated with the specified variable. |
VINFORMATDX Function | Returns the decimal value of the informat that is associated with the value of the specified variable. |
VINFORMATN Function | Returns the informat name that is associated with the specified variable. |
VINFORMATNX Function | Returns the informat name that is associated with the value of the specified argument. |
VINFORMATW Function | Returns the informat width that is associated with the specified variable. |
VINFORMATWX Function | Returns the informat width that is associated with the value of the specified argument. |
VINFORMATX Function | Returns the informat that is associated with the value of the specified argument. |
VLABEL Function | Returns the label that is associated with the specified variable. |
VLABELX Function | Returns the label that is associated with the value of the specified argument. |
VLENGTH Function | Returns the compile-time (allocated) size of the specified variable. |
VLENGTHX Function | Returns the compile-time (allocated) size for the variable that has a name that is the same as the value of the argument. |
VNAME Function | Returns the name of the specified variable. |
VNAMEX Function | Validates the value of the specified argument as a variable name. |
VTYPE Function | Returns the type (character or numeric) of the specified variable. |
VTYPEX Function | Returns the type (character or numeric) for the value of the specified argument. |
VVALUE Function | Returns the formatted value that is associated with the variable that you specify. |
VVALUEX Function | Returns the formatted value that is associated with the argument that you specify. |
美国人专用函数 与地理位置有关的一些函数 美国人对美国人真好
函数名 | 作用 | |
Distance距离函数 | GEODIST Function | Returns the geodetic distance between two latitude and longitude coordinates. |
ZIPCITYDISTANCE Function | Returns the geodetic distance between two zip code locations. | |
State and Zip Code州和邮政编码 | FIPNAME Function | Converts two-digit FIPS codes to uppercase state names. |
FIPNAMEL Function | Converts two-digit FIPS codes to mixed case state names. | |
FIPSTATE Function | Converts two-digit FIPS codes to two-character state postal codes. | |
STFIPS Function | Converts state postal codes to FIPS state codes. | |
STNAME Function | Converts state postal codes to uppercase state names. | |
STNAMEL Function | Converts state postal codes to mixed case state names. | |
ZIPCITY Function | Returns a city name and the two-character postal code that corresponds to a zip code. | |
ZIPCITYDISTANCE Function | Returns the geodetic distance between two zip code locations. | |
ZIPFIPS Function | Converts zip codes to two-digit FIPS codes. | |
ZIPNAME Function | Converts zip codes to uppercase state names. | |
ZIPNAMEL Function | Converts zip codes to mixed case state names. | |
ZIPSTATE Function | Converts zip codes to two-character state postal codes. |
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