1. 引言
- 短文本数据中经常存在多词一义的现象[1],比如 “dollar”, “$”, “$$”, “fee”, “charges” 拥有相同的含义,但是受限于文本篇幅的原因,我们很难直接从短文本数据中提取出这些信息。
- 与长文档不同的地方在于,短文本数据中通常只包含一个主题。这看似很好处理,但是传统的主题模型算法都假设一篇文档中包含多个主题,这给建模分析带来了不小的麻烦。
下文中我将自己创建一个数据集,并利用 Pythonscikit-learn来拟合相应的主题模型。
2. 主题发现模型
本文主要介绍三个主题模型,LDA(Latent Dirichlet Allocation),NMF(Non-Negative Matrix Factorization)和SVD(Singular Value Decomposition)。本文主要采用scikit-learn来实现这三个模型。
除了这三个模型外,还有其他一些模型也可以用来发现文档的结构。其中最重要的一个模型就是KMeans 聚类模型,本文将对比 KMeans 聚类模型和其他主题模型的拟合效果。
%matplotlib inlineimport numpy as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltfrom sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer, TfidfVectorizerfrom sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD, NMF, LatentDirichletAllocationfrom sklearn.cluster import KMeans
clearcut topics
: 该数据集中只包含两个主题—— “berger-lovers” 和 “sandwich-haters”。unbalanced topics
: 该数据集与第一个数据集包含的主题信息一致,但是此数据集的分布是有偏的。semantic topics
: 该数据集包含四个主题,分别是 “berger-lovers”, “berger-haters”,”sandwich-lovers” 和 “sandwich-haters”。此外,该数据集中还包含了两个潜在的主题 “food” 和 “feelings”。noisy topics
: 正如前文所说的,短文本数据中经常存在多词一义的现象,该数据集主要用于模拟两个主题不同类型的文本。该数据集文本的篇幅小于其他三个数据集,这可以用来检验模型是否能够很好地处理短文本数据。
def generate_clearcut_topics(): ## for demostration purpose, don't take it personally : ) return np.repeat(["we love bergers", "we hate sandwiches"], [1000, 1000])def generate_unbalanced_topics(): return np.repeat(["we love bergers", "we hate sandwiches"], [10, 1000])def generate_semantic_context_topics(): return np.repeat(["we love bergers" , "we hate bergers" , "we love sandwiches" , "we hate sandwiches"], 1000)def generate_noisy_topics(): def _random_typos(word, n): typo_index = np.random.randint(0, len(word), n) return [word[:i]+"X"+word[i+1:] for i in typo_index] t1 = ["we love %s" % w for w in _random_typos("bergers", 15)] t2 = ["we hate %s" % w for w in _random_typos("sandwiches", 15)] return np.r_[t1, t2]sample_texts = { "clearcut topics": generate_clearcut_topics() , "unbalanced topics": generate_unbalanced_topics() , "semantic topics": generate_semantic_context_topics() , "noisy topics": generate_noisy_topics()}
from collections import Counterfor desc, texts in sample_texts.items(): print desc print Counter(texts).most_common() print ""
noisy topics [('we love bergerX', 4), ('we love berXers', 4), ('we love Xergers', 3), ('we hate sandwiXhes', 3), ('we hate sandXiches', 3), ('we love bergXrs', 2), ('we hate sanXwiches', 2), ('we hate sandwicheX', 2), ('we hate saXdwiches', 2), ('we hate sXndwiches', 1), ('we hate sandwXches', 1), ('we love bXrgers', 1), ('we hate Xandwiches', 1), ('we love bergeXs', 1)] clearcut topics [('we love bergers', 1000), ('we hate sandwiches', 1000)] unbalanced topics [('we hate sandwiches', 1000), ('we love bergers', 10)] semantic topics [('we love bergers', 1000), ('we love sandwiches', 1000), ('we hate sandwiches', 1000), ('we hate bergers', 1000)]
- 关键词出现的频率得足够大
- 足以区分不同的主题
- 相同主题的文档中关键词共同出现的频率应该差不多
- 每个主题中关键词的语义应该十分接近,比如水果主题中的 “apples” 和 “oranges”,或者情感主题中的 “love” 和 “hate”。
。对于每个主题模型,我们将分别采用两种文本向量化的方法—— TF(Term Frequence) 和TFIDF(Term-frequence-inverse-document-frequence)。通常情况下,如果你的数据集中有许多词语在多篇文档中都频繁出现,那么你应该选择采用 TFIDF 的向量化方法。此时这些频繁出现的词语将被视为噪声数据,这些数据会影响模型的拟合效果。然而对于短文本数据而言,TF和TFIDF方法并没有显著的区别,因为短文本数据集中很难碰到上述情况。如何将文本数据向量化是个非常热门的研究领域,比如 基于word embedding模型的方法——word2vec和doc2vec。
主题模型将选择主题词语分布中频率最高的词语作为该主题的关键词,但是对于 SVD 和 KMEANS 算法来说,模型得到的主题词语矩阵中既包含正向值也包含负向值,我们很难直接从中准确地提取出主题关键词。为了解决这个问题,我选择从中挑出绝对数值最大的几个词语作为关键词,并且根据正负值的情况加上相应的标签,即对负向词语加上“^”的前缀,比如“^bergers”。
def find_topic(texts, topic_model, n_topics, vec_model="tf", thr=1e-2, **kwargs): """Return a list of topics from texts by topic models - for demostration of simple data texts: array-like strings topic_model: {"nmf", "svd", "lda", "kmeans"} for LSA_NMF, LSA_SVD, LDA, KMEANS (not actually a topic model) n_topics: # of topics in texts vec_model: {"tf", "tfidf"} for term_freq, term_freq_inverse_doc_freq thr: threshold for finding keywords in a topic model """ ## 1. vectorization vectorizer = CountVectorizer() if vec_model == "tf" else TfidfVectorizer() text_vec = vectorizer.fit_transform(texts) words = np.array(vectorizer.get_feature_names()) ## 2. topic finding topic_models = {"nmf": NMF, "svd": TruncatedSVD, "lda": LatentDirichletAllocation, "kmeans": KMeans} topicfinder = topic_models[topic_model](n_topics, **kwargs).fit(text_vec) topic_dists = topicfinder.components_ if topic_model is not "kmeans" else topicfinder.cluster_centers_ topic_dists /= topic_dists.max(axis = 1).reshape((-1, 1)) ## 3. keywords for topics ## Unlike other models, LSA_SVD will generate both positive and negative values in topic_word distribution, ## which makes it more ambiguous to choose keywords for topics. The sign of the weights are kept with the ## words for a demostration here def _topic_keywords(topic_dist): keywords_index = np.abs(topic_dist) >= thr keywords_prefix = np.where(np.sign(topic_dist) > 0, "", "^")[keywords_index] keywords = " | ".join(map(lambda x: "".join(x), zip(keywords_prefix, words[keywords_index]))) return keywords topic_keywords = map(_topic_keywords, topic_dists) return "n".join("Topic %i: %s" % (i, t) for i, t in enumerate(topic_keywords))
2.1 SVD: 正交分解
中的truncated SVD implementation类似于主成分分析算法,它们都试图利用正交分解的方法选择出具有最大方差的变量信息。
数据集来说,我们分别利用 TF 和 TFIDF方法来向量化文本数据,并构建 SVD 模型,模型的拟合结果如下所示。正如我们之前所提到的,SVD 模型所提取的关键词中包含正负向词语。为了简单起见, 我们可以理解为该主题包含正向词语,不包含负向的词语。
比如,对于"Topic 1: bergers | ^hate | love | ^sandwiches"
来说,该文本的主题中包含 “love bergers” 但是不包含 “hate sandwiches”。
由于模型的随机效应,所以每次运行模型得到的结果都会存在细微的差异。在 SVD 的拟合结果中我们发现发现Topic 3: bergers | ^hate | ^love | sandwiches
成功地提取了 “food” 的主题。
print(find_topic(sample_texts["clearcut topics"], "svd", 4, vec_model="tf"))
Topic 0: bergers | hate | love | sandwiches | we Topic 1: bergers | ^hate | love | ^sandwiches Topic 2: bergers | hate | love | sandwiches | ^we Topic 3: bergers | ^hate | ^love | sandwiches
print(find_topic(sample_texts["clearcut topics"], "svd", 4, vec_model="tfidf"))
Topic 0: bergers | hate | love | sandwiches | we Topic 1: bergers | ^hate | love | ^sandwiches Topic 2: bergers | hate | love | sandwiches | ^we Topic 3: bergers | ^hate | ^love | sandwiches
print(find_topic(sample_texts["clearcut topics"], "svd", 2, vec_model="tfidf"))
Topic 0: bergers | hate | love | sandwiches | we Topic 1: bergers | ^hate | love | ^sandwiches
当我们在解释 SVD 模拟的拟合结果时,我们需要对比多个主题的信息。比如上述的模型拟合结果可以解释成:数据集中文档的主要差异是文档中包含 “love bergers” 但不包含 “hate sandwiches”。
接下来我们将利用 SVD 来拟合unbalanced topic
print(find_topic(sample_texts["unbalanced topics"], "svd", 3, vec_model="tf"))
Topic 0: hate | sandwiches | we Topic 1: bergers | ^hate | love | ^sandwiches | we Topic 2: bergers | hate | love | sandwiches | ^we
print(find_topic(sample_texts["noisy topics"], "svd", 2, vec_model="tf"))
Topic 0: bergerx | bergexs | bergxrs | berxers | bxrgers | hate | love | sandwichex | sandwixhes | sandwxches | sandxiches | sanxwiches | saxdwiches | sxndwiches | we | xandwiches | xergers Topic 1: ^bergerx | ^bergexs | ^bergxrs | ^berxers | ^bxrgers | hate | ^love | sandwichex | sandwixhes | sandwxches | sandxiches | sanxwiches | saxdwiches | sxndwiches | we | xandwiches | ^xergers
2.2 LDA: 根据词语的共现频率来提取主题
LDA 算法中主要有两类参数:
- 每个主题中各个关键词的分布参数
- 每篇文档中各个主题的分布参数
接下来我们将研究这些参数是如何影响 LDA 模型的计算过程,人们更多的是根据经验来选择最佳参数。
与 SVD 模型不同的是,LDA 模型所提取的主题非常好解释。以clearcut-topics
数据集为例,LDA 模型中每个主题都有明确的关键词,它和SVD主要有以下两个区别:
- LDA 模型中可能存在重复的主题
- 不同的主题可以共享相同的关键词,比如单词 “we” 在所有的主题中都出现了。
此外,对 LDA 模型来说,采用不同的文本向量化方法也会得到不同的结果。
print(find_topic(sample_texts["clearcut topics"], "lda", 4, vec_model="tf"))
Topic 0: bergers | love | we Topic 1: bergers | love | we Topic 2: hate | sandwiches | we Topic 3: bergers | love | we
print(find_topic(sample_texts["clearcut topics"], "lda", 4, vec_model="tfidf"))
Topic 0: bergers | love | we Topic 1: bergers | love | we Topic 2: bergers | love | we Topic 3: hate | sandwiches | we
分别用来控制 LDA 模型的两类参数。
print(find_topic(sample_texts["unbalanced topics"], "lda", 4, vec_model="tf"))
Topic 0: bergers | hate | love | sandwiches | we Topic 1: hate | sandwiches | we Topic 2: bergers | hate | love | sandwiches | we Topic 3: hate | sandwiches | we
print(find_topic(sample_texts["unbalanced topics"], "lda", 4, vec_model="tf", topic_word_prior=1e-5))
Topic 0: bergers | love | we Topic 1: hate | sandwiches | we Topic 2: hate | sandwiches | we Topic 3: hate | sandwiches | we
LDA 模型同样无法很好地处理noisy topics
数据集,从下述结果中可以看出 LDA 模型提取的主题相当模糊:
print find_topic(sample_texts["noisy topics"],"lda",3, vec_model = "tfidf")
Topic 0: bergerx | bergexs | bergxrs | berxers | bxrgers | hate | love | sandwichex | sandwixhes | sandwxches | sandxiches | sanxwiches | saxdwiches | sxndwiches | we | xandwiches | xergers Topic 1: bergerx | bergexs | bergxrs | berxers | bxrgers | hate | love | sandwichex | sandwixhes | sandwxches | sandxiches | sanxwiches | saxdwiches | sxndwiches | we | xandwiches | xergers Topic 2: bergerx | bergexs | bergxrs | berxers | bxrgers | hate | love | sandwichex | sandwixhes | sandwxches | sandxiches | sanxwiches | saxdwiches | sxndwiches | we | xandwiches | xergers
2.3 NMF
NMF 可以视为LDA模型的特例,从理论上来说,这两个模型之间的联系非常复杂。但是在实际应用中,NMF 经常被视为参数固定且可以获得稀疏解的 LDA 模型。虽然 NMF 模型的灵活性不如 LDA 模型,但是该模型可以很好地处理短文本数据集。
另一方面,NMF 最大的缺点是拟合结果的不一致——当我们设置过大的主题个数时,NMF 拟合的结果非常糟糕。相比之下,LDA模型的拟合结果更为稳健。
首先我们来看下 NMF 模型不一致的拟合结果。对于clearcut topics
print(find_topic(sample_texts["clearcut topics"], "nmf", 5, vec_model="tf"))
Topic 0: bergers | love | we Topic 1: hate | sandwiches | we Topic 2: bergers | love | we Topic 3: bergers | love | we Topic 4: hate | sandwiches | we
但是当我们增加主题个数时(远大于真实主题数2),NMF 模型将会得到一些奇异的结果:
print(find_topic(sample_texts["clearcut topics"], "nmf", 25, vec_model="tf"))
Topic 0: we Topic 1: bergers | love | we Topic 2: hate | sandwiches | we Topic 3: bergers | love | we Topic 4: hate | sandwiches | we Topic 5: bergers | love | we Topic 6: bergers | love | we Topic 7: bergers | love | we Topic 8: hate | sandwiches | we Topic 9: hate | sandwiches | we Topic 10: hate | sandwiches | we Topic 11: bergers | love | we Topic 12: we Topic 13: hate | sandwiches Topic 14: we Topic 15: we Topic 16: bergers | love | we Topic 17: sandwiches | we Topic 18: we Topic 19: bergers | love | we Topic 20: hate | sandwiches | we Topic 21: sandwiches | we Topic 22: bergers | love | we Topic 23: we Topic 24: bergers | love | we
print(find_topic(sample_texts["clearcut topics"], "lda", 25, vec_model="tf"))
Topic 0: bergers | love | we Topic 1: bergers | love | we Topic 2: hate | sandwiches | we Topic 3: bergers | hate | love | sandwiches | we Topic 4: bergers | love | we Topic 5: bergers | love | we Topic 6: bergers | love | we Topic 7: bergers | love | we Topic 8: bergers | hate | love | sandwiches | we Topic 9: bergers | hate | love | sandwiches | we Topic 10: bergers | hate | love | sandwiches | we Topic 11: hate | sandwiches | we Topic 12: bergers | hate | love | sandwiches | we Topic 13: bergers | love | we Topic 14: hate | sandwiches | we Topic 15: bergers | love | we Topic 16: bergers | love | we Topic 17: bergers | hate | love | sandwiches | we Topic 18: hate | sandwiches | we Topic 19: bergers | love | we Topic 20: bergers | love | we Topic 21: bergers | hate | love | sandwiches | we Topic 22: hate | sandwiches | we Topic 23: bergers | love | we Topic 24: hate | sandwiches | we
对于非平衡数据集,设置好合适的主题个数,NMF 可以很好地提取出文档中的主题信息。
print(find_topic(sample_texts["unbalanced topics"], "nmf", 5, vec_model="tfidf"))
Topic 0: hate | sandwiches | we Topic 1: hate | sandwiches | we Topic 2: hate | sandwiches | we Topic 3: hate | sandwiches | we Topic 4: bergers | love | we
值得注意的是,NMF 是本文提到的四个模型中唯一一个能够较好地处理noisy topics
print find_topic(sample_texts["noisy topics"],"nmf",5, vec_model = "tfidf",)
Topic 0: bergerx | bergexs | bergxrs | bxrgers | love | we Topic 1: bergxrs | hate | sandwichex | sandwxches | sandxiches | sanxwiches | saxdwiches | sxndwiches | we | xandwiches Topic 2: bergexs | bergxrs | berxers | bxrgers | love | we Topic 3: bergexs | bergxrs | bxrgers | love | we | xergers Topic 4: hate | sandwixhes | sandwxches | sxndwiches | we | xandwiches
2.4 KMeans
类似于 KMeans 模型的聚类方法能够根据文档的向量形式对其进行分组。然而这个模型无法看成是主题模型,因为我们很难解释聚类结果中的关键词信息。
但是如果结合 TF或TFIDF方法,我们可以将 KMeans 模型的聚类中心视为一堆词语的概率组合:
print find_topic(sample_texts["clearcut topics"],"kmeans",10, vec_model = "tf",)
Topic 0: hate | sandwiches | we Topic 1: bergers | love | we Topic 2: hate | sandwiches | we Topic 3: bergers | love | we Topic 4: bergers | love | we Topic 5: bergers | love | we Topic 6: bergers | love | we Topic 7: bergers | love | we Topic 8: bergers | love | we Topic 9: bergers | love | we
print find_topic(sample_texts["unbalanced topics"],"kmeans",10, vec_model = "tf",)
Topic 0: hate | sandwiches | we Topic 1: bergers | love | we Topic 2: hate | sandwiches | we Topic 3: hate | sandwiches | we Topic 4: hate | sandwiches | we Topic 5: hate | sandwiches | we Topic 6: hate | sandwiches | we Topic 7: hate | sandwiches | we Topic 8: hate | sandwiches | we Topic 9: hate | sandwiches | we
print find_topic(sample_texts["noisy topics"],"kmeans",10, vec_model = "tf",)
Topic 0: hate | sandwxches | sxndwiches | we | xandwiches Topic 1: bergexs | berxers | bxrgers | love | we Topic 2: bergerx | love | we Topic 3: hate | sandxiches | we Topic 4: love | we | xergers Topic 5: hate | sandwixhes | we Topic 6: hate | sandwichex | we Topic 7: bergxrs | love | we Topic 8: hate | sanxwiches | we Topic 9: hate | saxdwiches | we
2.5 寻找具有高语义相关的主题
大多数研究者都认为词语的语义信息是由其上下文信息所决定的,比如 “love” 和 “hate”可以看成是语义相似的词语,因为这两个词都可以用在 “I _ apples” 的语境中。事实上,词向量最重要的一个研究就是如何构建词语、短语或者文档的向量形式,使得新的向量空间中仍然保留着语义信息。
找寻语义相同的词语不同于计算词语的共现频率。从下述的结果中可以看出,大多数主题提取模型只涉及到词语的共现频率,并没有考虑词语的语义信息,只有 SVD 模型简单涉及到语义信息。
print(find_topic(sample_texts["semantic topics"], "svd", 4, vec_model="tfidf"))
Topic 0: bergers | hate | love | sandwiches | we Topic 1: ^hate | love Topic 2: bergers | ^sandwiches Topic 3: ^bergers | ^hate | ^love | ^sandwiches | we
print(find_topic(sample_texts["semantic topics"], "nmf", 5, vec_model="tfidf"))
Topic 0: bergers | hate Topic 1: love | sandwiches | we Topic 2: hate | we Topic 3: hate | sandwiches | we Topic 4: bergers | love | we
print(find_topic(sample_texts["semantic topics"], "lda", 5, vec_model="tfidf"))
Topic 0: love | sandwiches | we Topic 1: bergers | love | we Topic 2: bergers | hate | we Topic 3: bergers | love | we Topic 4: bergers | love | we
print(find_topic(sample_texts["semantic topics"], "kmeans", 5, vec_model="tfidf"))
Topic 0: hate | sandwiches | we Topic 1: bergers | hate | we Topic 2: bergers | love | we Topic 3: love | sandwiches | we Topic 4: hate | sandwiches | we
3. 总结
- 短文本数据集具有其独特的性质,建模时需要特别注意。
- 模型的选择依赖于主题的定义(共现频率高或者语义相似性)和主题提取的目的(文档表示或者是异常值检验)
- 我们可以首先采用KMeans或者NMF模型来快速获取文档的结构信息:
- 主题中词语的分布情况
- 文档中主题的分布情况
- 主题个数
- 每个主题中词语的个数
- LDA模型具有很好的灵活性,可以处理多种类型的文本数据。但是调参过程需要很好地理解数据结构,因此如果你想构建 LDA 模型,你最好先构建一个基准模型(KMEANS 或 NMF)
- SVD模型可以很好地提取出文本的主要信息。比如 SVD 模型可以很好地分析半结构化的数据(模板数据、截图或者html中的表格数据)。
本文为专栏文章,来自:数据工匠,内容观点不代表本站立场,如若转载请联系专栏作者,本文链接:https://www.afenxi.com/38427.html 。